Can You Live in a Self Storage Unit? Everything You Need to Know in 2024

Thinking of living in a self storage unit? Learn why it's illegal and unsafe, and explore safer alternatives in the UK. Discover how Stashbee can help!

In today's world of sky-high rents and cramped city living, you might find yourself wondering about unconventional housing options. One question that pops up now and then is, "Can you live in a self storage unit?" It's a thought that might cross your mind when you're scrolling through pricey rental listings. But before you start eyeing up that nearby storage facility as a potential new home, let's dig into what you really need to know about the lack of basic amenities in such units. 

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Is It Legal to Live in a Self Storage Unit?

The short answer? No, it's not legal to live in a self storage unit in the UK.

The 'Fitness for Human Habitation Act 2018' sets legal standards for residential properties, which do not apply to storage units. 

You might think, "It's a space I'm paying for, so why can't I use it how I want?" But here's the deal - storage units are meant for your stuff, not for you to live in. 

When it comes to legal issues living in storage unit UK, the law is pretty clear. Self storage facilities aren't set up or approved for people to live in. They don't have the right safety features or amenities that a home needs. Self storage laws UK are strict about this - these places are for storing things, not for living.

Why People Consider Living in Storage Units

You might be wondering why anyone would think about calling a storage unit home. Well, there are a few reasons people live in storage units, and they usually come down to tough situations.

The housing crisis UK 2024 is making it hard for many people to find affordable places to live. When you're facing high rents or even homelessness, a dry, lockable space might start to look pretty good. Some folks see it as a way to have a roof over their head while saving money. But it's important to know that this idea, while it might seem clever, comes with a lot of problems.


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The Risks and Dangers of Living in a Self Storage Unit

Living in a storage unit isn't just against the rules - it's seriously risky. Living in such an enclosed space can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and fear, particularly when communication and help are inaccessible. 

Let's talk about the dangers of self storage living.

First up, fire safety. Storage units don't have the same fire alarms and escape routes as proper homes. If a fire breaks out, you could be in real trouble. Then there's the lack of basics like running water. No toilet, no shower, no way to keep clean. Can you imagine trying to live without a sink? The lack of proper sanitation facilities can lead to increased vulnerability to infectious diseases and other health-related issues

The risks of living in storage unit don't stop there. Many storage places use pest control chemicals that are fine for stored items but not good for people to be around all the time. You could be breathing in stuff that's not safe. And if you get caught, you could be kicked out, fined, or even end up with a criminal record. Is it really worth all that just to save on rent?

Alternatives to Living in a Self Storage Unit

Now that we've covered why living in a storage unit is a bad idea, let's talk about some better options if you're looking for affordable housing alternatives UK.

One trend that's picking up steam is co-living spaces UK. These are places where you might have your own bedroom but share common areas like kitchens and living rooms with others. It's a way to live in nice areas without breaking the bank.

There are also micro-apartments popping up in cities. These are small, but they're set up for living, unlike storage units. And don't forget about house-sharing - it's not just for students. Lots of working adults are sharing houses to cut costs.

If you're in a tough spot, there are also charities and organisations that can help with temporary housing. It might take some digging, but these options are way better than risking your safety in a storage unit.

How Stashbee Can Help

While Stashbee can't offer you a place to live, we can help you manage your stuff in a way that might make finding a home easier.​​​​​​​

If you're moving to a smaller, more affordable place, you might need somewhere to keep some of your things. That's where Stashbee comes in.

Stashbee storage solutions connect people who need storage with those who have extra space. It's safe, legal, and often cheaper than traditional self storage. Whether you need to store some furniture while you stay with family or keep seasonal stuff out of your new smaller flat, Stashbee can help you find affordable storage UK.



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By using Stashbee, you can find a secure spot for your belongings while you focus on finding a proper place to live. It's a smart way to manage your stuff during housing transitions without trying to squeeze yourself in with your boxes!

In wrapping up, while living in a self storage unit might seem like a clever idea when times are tough, it's not legal or safe. There are always better options out there, even if they're not obvious at first. Your safety and well-being should always come first. If you're struggling with housing, reach out to local support services for help. And if you need a hand managing your belongings during a move, Stashbee is here to help you find secure, affordable storage. Remember, your stuff might need a storage space, but you need and deserve a real home.

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Written 12th Aug 2024
