16 Businesses You Can Run Using a Storage Unit

Perhaps you're wondering whether it's time to level up your business and get a dedicated storage space. Many business use a storage unit, including these...

You’ve got a business. But now you need a practical solution for storing your stock, tools, and work equipment. Whether you’re running your business from home or from an office, as your business grows, you’ll no doubt need more space. If that’s the case, it’s time for you to move your business storage to a suitable storage facility.

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Types of Businesses That Can Be Run From a Storage Unit

There’s a wide range of businesses that you can run from a storage space. But it’s always best to make sure that the size, location and budget is perfect for you and your business.

1. Online retailers

Are you an online retailer? We have a range of storage spaces that you can use to keep your stock. From warehouses to garages, whether you’re a small-scale or large-scale online retailer, you can store your stock, get orders ready and ship them from our storage units.

2. eBay and Amazon sellers

It could be clothes, books or toys, whatever your eBay or Amazon business sells (as long as it’s in line with our storing guidelines) you can store it with us! You’ll have a dedicated space for your business storage or stock, ready to pack up and send to your customers.



8 Benefits of a Warehouse For Your Business

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3. Etsy sellers

It’s never been easier to set up your own business and sell your own hand-crafted products or hobbies than with Etsy. As your business grows, you’ll soon enough need somewhere to store your stock or to put your business tools and equipment. We’ve got a range of large and small storage units to help you set up and keep your Etsy business running.

4. Charities

Charities receive a lot of donated stock, so when you’re running out of space, we’ve got a range of storage spaces you can use to keep track of your charity stock.

People Unloading Stock From A Pick-Up Truck

People Unloading Stock From A Pick-Up Truck

5. Vintage clothing/furniture sales

Are you a fan of car boot sales? Perhaps you often head to car boot sales, fairs or auctions to sell clothes and furniture you no longer want. But if you’ve got quite the bulk of things you wish to get rid of, it’s not always convenient to keep it at home. Find yourself a storage unit and keep your vintage clothes and furniture there until you’re ready to sell it.

6. Catalogue sellers

It could be household cleaning products, beauty products or something else. When you’re selling through catalogues, you’ll want to keep your samples and products safe before sending them off to your customers. Find a suitable storage space to keep your catalogue stock in the meantime.



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7. Car spares retailers

You need somewhere safe and dry to store your goods. Even more so, you need a space large enough for all the car parts you have. Once you’ve made sure that you’re not storing flammable materials, you can store your spare car parts in one of our storage spaces.

8. Heating engineers

Fixing heaters means you no doubt have a lot of spare parts for boilers, ovens and other appliances. You’ll need a local storage space that ensures your spare parts are safe, secure and protected from any damage.

9. Fundraisers

When you’re raising money, you need a place to store your equipment, donations and raffle prizes, amongst other things. Use a storage space for storing all your fundraiser gear!

10. Fashion designers

Fashion designers need a lot of space to keep their materials and designs. You could even use the space as a workshop, complete with a cutting table, mannequins and your designs.

Clothes And Apparel Store

Clothes And Apparel Store

11. Sports club organisers

Do you organise sports for the youth in your community? If you’re working with a lot of different sports teams, you’ll no doubt need a space to keep all the sports equipment safe and dry until it’s ready to be used.

12. Pop up shops

Do you have a product you’re hoping to sell in a pop up shop? It could be your latest fashion designs, or handcrafted bits and bobs. Whatever it is, perhaps you need a storage unit close to your pop up shop location to keep your shop stocked up at all times.



8 Benefits of a Warehouse For Your Business

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13. Event organisers

It takes a lot of work to organise an event, let alone more than one! If you have a lot of equipment on hand, whether it’s advertising gear or props, find a storage space in the location you need to get your events sorted.

14. Market stall holders

No matter how often you open your stall, you’ll need somewhere to keep your stock safe. There’s a wide range of storage units available for you to keep your stock and equipment to set up shop.

Flower Market Stall

Flower Market Stall

15. Theatre companies

Whether it’s a well-established West End theatre or a brand new, up-and-coming company, a lot goes into putting on a well-produced show. A storage unit is just what you need for a business in the arts. There’s lots and lots of material and equipment needed for shows, including costumes, props, backdrops, lighting, sound equipment and more. A storage space provides you with a large enough space to keep everything safe and protected. Plus, if you need a place to set up a temporary stage for rehearsals, why not rent out a warehouse and get started?

16. Independent contractors

If you’re got your own independent business, you’ll no doubt have your own tools. And keeping them at home isn’t always convenient. Rent a storage space to keep all your equipment in one place. Whether you’re a landscaper, photographer or a plumber. Keep your bulky gear in a safe place and access it whenever you need it!

There are loads of businesses out there that can use the help of a storage unit. The great thing about Stashbee is there’s a wide range of storage spaces to choose from across the UK. Perhaps you only need a garage, or a loft. Or you can scale up and get yourself a warehouse or storage container. Whatever you need is right here!

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Updated 18th Apr 2023

Written 6th Jun 2022
