7 Tips for Storing Office Files

Is all your physical documents and paperwork taking over your office? Find a storage space and find out how to store your office files!

Nowadays a lot of your important documents and paperwork is done digitally and kept online. However, many businesses still need physical paperwork and as a result, need a place to store all these files. Whether you’re looking for somewhere to store your business files or just need tips on how to store securely, cheaply and efficiently - we’ve got you!

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1. Sort Through All Your Paperwork

It’s easy to accumulate a whole lot of paperwork, especially when you don’t make a rule to get rid of it once it’s no longer needed. As a result, you’ve got a bunch of papers (which may no longer be relevant) taking up space in your office for no reason.

It’s time to get organised!

First things first, grab all the paperwork in question and sort through it. Create a couple of piles, one for shredding and recycling and another for keeping. You could even create another pile filled with papers you’re not quite sure what to do with (we’ll help you out with those in just a minute!). As you sort through, look out for outdated paperwork and duplicates, these you can get rid of as they’ll only take up some much-needed space.



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2. Shred, Recycle or Store Old Paperwork

Now you know what’s to keep and what’s to get rid of. What’s next?

Well, with your shred and recycle pile… you’re going to do just that! Once you’re certain you no longer need it, put it through the shredder and dispose of it.

Next, deal with the ‘not so sure’ pile. You might not be sure if it’s particularly important or whether it’s something you necessarily need to keep. If you want to stay on the safe side, scan the paperwork and store it in your cloud storage before getting rid of the physical copy.

If you’re not super comfortable with the online storage world, store your old files into archive storage boxes. Label each box and file with the relevant information - it’ll save you time in the future and you’ll definitely thank yourself for it!

Find a self storage unit or other business storage options on Stashbee to keep your office files safe, secure and dry.

3. Organisation Is Key

The more organised you can make your file storage, the better! Colour code files if you have to so you know what each file covers. Plus, include dividers within each file so you can easily find the relevant sections you’re looking for. From contracts to correspondence, split your paperwork as much as you need to, to make it super easy for yourself in the future.

Make sure your files are organised on the outside too, with relevant labels, dates etc.

Post Its Marking Important Pages In A Document

Post Its Marking Important Pages In A Document

4. Figure Out What to Do With Larger Items

If you’ve got other important items which are larger than your standard paperwork file (things like plans, drawings, sample materials etc) think about potentially renting a storage space for those too.

If they’re not needed in the office, or aren’t super important, store them along with your archive files in one of our storage spaces for business.



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5. Make a Scanning System

Next, you’re going to want to make sure that you have a system in place to scan all your files, so you don’t end up with so much paperwork (unless needed) again!

As new files are becoming stored online, you’ll allow yourself time to go through all your old paperwork and convert them to online editions. Try a year by year approach, take a look at your files from last year and work backwards through all the older files too.

If you really need to keep hold of the physical documents, then put them in storage to clear some space in your office. Once they are labelled properly, it’ll be easy enough to access them when needed and find what you need.

6. Find a Suitable Storage Space

When you need storage for paperwork, there’s a lot of things you need to consider. First of all you need a storage space that is protected from all the elements. Rain, damp, pests… You’ll need to keep them off of the floor and perhaps look for a range of features in the storage space. CCTV and fire alarm systems would be great in order to keep your files safe. Plus, you might want to check with the Host if there are any pest control measures in place.



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7. Keep On Top of Filing

Next up, you’re going to want to prevent a build up of documents and files that you’ll have to go through and organise once again. Ensure that whoever deals with your office paperwork is up-to-date with the new plan to keep on top of all future filing. It might be necessary to add it into their usual work schedule each week.

Old Fashioned File Archive

Old Fashioned File Archive

There you have it! Hopefully this makes office file storage a whole lot easier than it feels like right now!

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Updated 18th Apr 2023

Written 13th Jun 2022
