Alexander's Parking Space to Rent in South West London
per month
per hour
Parking Space
Space size
Large |
142 sq ft.
£447 per month
| £5.70 per hour
Security deposit
7.87 ft x 18.04 ft
Minimum rental
30 minutes
It's for one renter.
It's for one renter.
Below ground level
This space is below ground level.
This space is below ground level.
Any time
It's free to access any time.
It's free to access any time.
Fob provided
Host will provide you a fob.
Host will provide you a fob.
More details
User 9401 5
Very Responsive
Very Experienced
Very friendly and approachable. Always available with advanced notice, day or night as long as it is planned in advance with just a phone call.
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