Charlotte's Garage to Rent in Malton

A space big enough for 1 car or storage of items however driving into it in a car would be a challenge as It’s the garage on the left hand side (visible on street view) so better suited to motorbikes, bikes or a car that would sit there for a while for example rather than a car.
Photos to be added shortly

Lockable garage door

Right near Wentworth street car park

Happy to discuss the help needed!

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  200 sq ft.
  Any Time
£183 per month

Space size
Large Single | 200 sq ft.
£183 per month
Security deposit
10 ft x 20 ft x 8 ft
Minimum rental
30 days
It's for one renter.
  Ground level
This space is at ground level.
  Any time
It's free to access any time.
  Key provided
Host will provide you a key.
More details
Free cancellation up to 24 hours before your booking. Learn more.
Secure cashless payments
All our Hosts are ID-verified
Dedicated customer support

Got any questions about this space? Whether it's to do with availability, access, size, or anything else, feel free to get in touch!

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