How to Increase Bookings on Your Space Rental

Discover tips to boost bookings on your rental. From pricing to photos, learn how to optimise your listing and attract more guests.

As a Stashbee host, you have the power to transform your unused space into a valuable asset, helping others while earning extra income on your own terms. But with tens of thousands of space rental listings, how can you make yours stand out? Whether you're new to hosting or looking to increase your space rental bookings, this guide will help you optimise your listing and attract more guests.

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1. Price It Right

Your pricing strategy can make or break your success on Stashbee. Here's how to get it right:

  • Research the market: Look at similar space rentals in your area. What are they charging? Your price should be competitive while reflecting the value you offer.
  • Consider your amenities: Do you provide 24/7 access, CCTV, or floodlighting? These features can justify a higher price point.
  • Offer incentives: Consider discounts for long-term rentals to encourage extended bookings.

Remember, the goal is to find the sweet spot between profitability and attractiveness to potential renters.



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2. Showcase Your Space with Stellar Photos

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and in the world of online rentals, this couldn't be truer. High-quality, well-lit photos can significantly boost your listing's appeal. Here are some tips:

  • Illuminate your space: Ensure your area is well-lit. Natural light works best, but if that's not possible, use bright, warm artificial lighting.
  • Highlight the size: Use objects for scale to give renters a clear idea of the space's dimensions.
  • Capture multiple angles: Show your space from various perspectives to provide a comprehensive view.

Consider hiring a professional photographer if you're struggling to capture your space effectively. Great photos can lead to increased interest and more bookings.

3. Craft a Compelling Description

Being a host, your space rental description is your chance to sell your space. Make it count with these strategies:

  • Highlight unique features: Does your space have climate control, easy access, or secure parking? Mention these selling points upfront.
  • Be specific about size: Instead of just saying "large space," provide exact dimensions so renters know exactly what they're getting.
  • Address common concerns: Proactively mention security measures, cleanliness standards, and accessibility to put potential renters at ease.

Use clear, concise language and break up your text into easily digestible paragraphs for the best impact.



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4. Prioritise Security

Safety is a top concern for many renters. Emphasise your security measures to give potential guests peace of mind:

  • Detail your security features: Mention any CCTV, alarm systems, or secure access methods you have in place.
  • Explain your safety protocols: Do you conduct regular security checks? Let your guests know.
  • Highlight neighbourhood safety: If your area has a low crime rate or active neighbourhood watch, include this information in your listing.

Providing strong security details can make your space more appealing to cautious renters.

5. Clarify Accessibility

Make sure potential renters understand how and when they can access your space:

  • Specify access hours: Are you offering 24/7 access or only during certain hours?
  • Explain entry methods: Detail how renters will get in and out. Is there a key, code, or app involved?
  • Describe the path to your space: Is it on ground level, up a flight of stairs, or accessible by vehicle? This information helps renters plan accordingly.

Clear access instructions can prevent confusion and encourage bookings.

6. Emphasise Cleanliness

A clean space is a rentable space. Here's how to showcase your commitment to cleanliness:

  • Describe your cleaning routine: Do you sweep weekly or conduct monthly deep cleans? Let renters know how you maintain your space.
  • Mention any professional cleaning services: If you use a professional cleaner, this can be a strong selling point.
  • Invite cleanliness feedback: Encourage renters to let you know if they ever find the space less than spotless.

Renters will appreciate knowing that your space is well-maintained and clean.



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7. Keep Your Calendar Current

An up-to-date availability calendar can help you catch last-minute bookings and prevent disappointing potential renters:

  • Update regularly: Make it a habit to check and update your calendar at least weekly.
  • Block off maintenance days: If you need time for cleaning or repairs, mark these days as unavailable.
  • Consider using Stashbee's instant booking feature: This can help you capture spontaneous renters looking for immediate space.

Keeping your rental availability accurate helps avoid frustration for both you and your potential renters.

8. Respond Promptly to Enquiries

Quick responses can make the difference between securing a booking and losing it to another host:

  • Set up notifications: Ensure you're alerted immediately when you receive an inquiry.
  • Aim to respond within hours, not days: Even if you can't accept a booking, a prompt response leaves a good impression.
  • Use templates for common questions: This can help you respond quickly while still providing detailed information.

Fast responses can improve your host rating and increase the chances of bookings.

By implementing these strategies, you'll be well on your way to becoming a top-performing space rental host. Remember, success on platforms like Stashbee is about more than just having space available—it's about creating a listing that resonates with renters and meets their needs. Keep refining your approach, and watch those bookings roll in!

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Written 13th Sep 2024
